Tyler Milligan grew up in a sleepy fishing town on the coast of Oregon & Washington where the ocean’s sloshing against the seashore could be heard from his bedroom window. As soon as he had the opportunity, he left for Seattle to pursue his academic & entrepreneurial dreams.
Tyler is now pursuing a double B.A. in Neuroscience & Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. He has emancipated himself financially & worked many jobs to keep himself afloat. From atmospheric science in the Arctic to cocaine addiction research in a Neuroscience lab, he has shown he can succeed in many environments. Over several years, he has written over 2600 articles for his startup Futurescope.com & helped them to grow their social media audience to over 2,000 followers.
Whether that be through physical or virtual projects, Tyler hopes to provide value to the world & the people he works with. He has worked with C++, C, Assembly, Python, Swift, HTML5, CSS, Javascript, Matlab, and Arduino. He has also worked to design & conduct scientific experiments in Neuroscience & Computer Science, written over 2,500+ articles and acted as CPO for a trend-highlighting startup, and receivedĀ an SEO certification from UC Davis.
Next Steps…
Explore my growing body of work on Github & follow me on my social profiles to get an inside look at what I like, say, and do!
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